Quality Systems and Regulatory Compliance
Our customers depend on our paramount commitment to quality for the performance and safety of their mission-critical or highly regulated complex products.
Singular Focus on World-class Systems for Traceability
Our readiness procedures, process validations and test strategies are consistently applied and documented to ensure we build every product to customer specifications and regulatory standards for commercial aerospace, defense, space, life sciences, medical devices, and instrumentation and control applications.
At Spartronics, Quality Is Everyone’s Job
We understand and respect how consistency, precision and reliability impact the quality of critical components and life-saving devices. Spartronics helps original equipment manufacturers meet their requirements and regulatory and certification standards by:
- Adhering to robust methodologies for manufacturing readiness reviews (MRRs), product readiness reviews (PRRs) and advanced product quality planning (APQP)
- Mitigating risks by identifying, reviewing and recommending modifications
- Ensuring consistency by dedicating a project manager and a cross-functional team so that the same group of engineers and specialists work on your project
- Verifying the placement of complex circuit board components through the use of automated 3D technology
- Developing test procedures and conducting testing to validate that devices meet design, regulatory and safety requirements
- Creating and maintaining comprehensive device history records (DHRs) and device master records (DMRs)
Your Products. On Time. Optimized. Verified.
Count on Spartronics to help you thoroughly analyze your design, materials, supply chain, assembly and testing procedures and ensure adherence to the highest-quality standards. We make it possible to manufacture your complex products on time and within budget and can also assist with your preparations for regulatory and compliance reviews.